

Résumé des interruptions de service (2021/05/03) et plans de capacité

Quad9 a été la cible d'une attaque par déni de service distribué qui a débuté à 16 h 10 UTC le 3 mai et qui a duré environ quatre-vingt-dix minutes sur les sites les plus touchés.

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Le service de noms de domaine public Quad9 s'installe en Suisse pour une protection maximale de la confidentialité sur Internet

Quad9 est la première solution de sécurité DNS à étendre les protections de la GDPR (Règlement général sur la protection des données) aux utilisateurs d'Internet du monde entier.

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Quad9 Files Official Objection Opposing Sony Music’s German Court Ruling

The objection we are filing against the injunction is extensive with many procedural and jurisdictional arguments, all of which we believe are valid reasons for dismissal or which support those reasons.

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Internet Security Non-Profit Quad9 Files Appeal Against Copyright Lawsuit from Sony Music Germany

The non-profit Swiss DNS provider Quad9, has filed an objection against an interim injunction (310 O 99/21) obtained by Sony Music Germany from the Hamburg Regional Court. This injunction requires Quad9 to implement network blocks that has the potential to set a precedent for other Internet organizations which are drawn into a copyright case in Germany as well as other EU nations.

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Australian Cyber Security Company Now Assisting the Global DNS Community

Australia’s leading IP Transit and Security as a Service company, Global Secure Layer (GSL), today announced its new global partnership with Quad9.

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DNS Blocking Effectiveness: Recent Independent Tests

Quad9’s DNS blocking service has recently been part of an independent test done to compare various DNS-based blocking systems.

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Web Giants Scrambled to Head Off a Dangerous DDoS Technique

John Todd, the executive director of the nonprofit DNS provider Quad9, wrote in an email that “this threat is/was quite real,” but also noted that it’s “somewhat complex to deploy and leaves some fingerprints,” since the attacker would have to run their own DNS domains.

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Cyber Peace Institute Panel: Increased need for cybersecurity on the front lines in the fight against COVID-19

The health care sector is on the front lines of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and protecting their networks is an important part of our need for increased cybersecurity right now.

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