

Resumo do Serviço de Interrupção (2021/05/03) e Planos de Capacidade

A Quad9 foi alvo de um ataque distribuído de negação de serviço (DDoS) que teve início a 3 de Maio, às 16:10 UTC, e que durou cerca de noventa minutos nos websites mais afetados.

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O serviço de nome de domínio público da Quad9 transfere-se para a Suíça para uma maior proteção da privacidade na internet

A Quad9 é a primeira solução de segurança DNS a estender as proteções de privacidade RGPD a utilizadores de internet do mundo inteiro.

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DNS Blocking Effectiveness: Recent Independent Tests

Quad9’s DNS blocking service has recently been part of an independent test done to compare various DNS-based blocking systems.

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Cyber Peace Institute Panel: Increased need for cybersecurity on the front lines in the fight against COVID-19

The health care sector is on the front lines of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and protecting their networks is an important part of our need for increased cybersecurity right now.

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Quad9 Sees Massive Growth in Blocked DNS Volume

Quad9’s free, open recursive DNS service blocks hosts, which contain malware, phishing, botnets, spyware, and a variety of other risks that try to defraud end-users, or harm their computers or networks. Millions of users around the world use Quad9’s free DNS recursive resolvers ( to map hostnames to IP addresses as part of almost every Internet transaction.

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Help: My New COVID-19 Site is Getting Blocked!

In times such as these, bad cyber-actors will also emerge. We’ve been alerted to a rise in phishing, malware, and ransomware attacks from a number of our Threat Intelligence Providers and public sources such as; EFF, IBM, and DomainTools. Rest assured, we are working to protect our global user base and add these malicious sites into our Block List as quickly as possible.

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Quad9 Helps Protect You While Working From Home…Oh, and All the Other Times Too!

As physical offices and schools shut down worldwide, people are rapidly relying more and more on a home-based telecommuting environment. Security protections once provided by enterprise or school network administrators must be available to the home network.

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Quad9 Connect now available on Google Play

We are delighted to announce the open release of Quad9 Connect – a mobile app allowing the more than 2.5 billion global users of smartphones built on Android to use our free security and privacy-driven recursive DNS service to block access to malicious websites and maximize web browsing privacy while using an Android mobile device.

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